If you don't have and iPod to entertain you on your mobile journey, 3650 can be quite entertaining (with all of it's limitation).
Playing Ogg Files
For those of you that are open source fanatics, or may be just loves to use Ogg over MP3, an Ogg Player Exists for the Nokia 3650 (and other Symbian platform) and can be obtained from Current version supports any bit rate, mono or stereo, first versions only supports limited bit rate in mono (but it doesn't matter a lot because Nokia 3650 is not stereo, using stereo files only makes your file larger and consumes more space).
Upgrading Real One to Helix Player (for MP3 Playing and better content support)
Nokia 3650 comes with Real
One preinstalled on its ROM. Its a nice media player, but it only
supports limited content type. Fortunately, the
Helix Community has
created a replacement for the bundled player (the old player wont show up in the menu after you installed helix). The replacement
player can do everything that the default player can do, and even
more. One most notable difference is that it can play MP3
Encoding Video and Audio Content for Built In Video Player
The built in video player only supports .3gp format and the audio player (recorder) only supports amr format, to convert your files to .3gp format you need to download Nokia Multimedia Converter (serial number needed, you need to register for free). You will also need Java, which can be obtained from Sun.
Encoding Video and Audio Content for Real One and/or Helix Player on Nokia 3650
Real Networks does provide a free version of their Real Producer (called the Real Producer Basic) to create content for Real Player. Unfortunately the Real Producer Basic does not support creating content for 3650.
Nokia 3650 multimedia limitation
Nokia 3650 only uses mono audio output (there are no stereo headsets) for it. There are currently no free video players that supports full screen playback.
There are currently no free application (and may never be) to record unlimited sound or video (the built in applications limits the sound to 60 seconds, and 10 seconds of video).